terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2012

Programme [UPDATED]

Belfast Sustainability Jam Programme

2nd November:

17h00 - Reception of Jammers
17h30 - Welcoming session
18h00 - "Sustainability"- Concept and Reality [to be confirmed]
18h30 - Revelation of  the "Global Theme" and "Achievements" for Global Sustainability Jam 2012
19h00 - New beginnings... Hint: What does the "Global Theme" suggest to you? What do others think about it?
20h00 - Dinner time
21h00 - The concept... Hint: Select a group, an idea and prepare to develop it.
22h00 - End of day one

3rd November:

9h30 - Reception, briefing of the day and methodology proposals
10h00 - Research and develop... Hint: Is your idea original? Yes? Great! No? How can you do it better?
13h00 - Lunch time
14h00 - Design and model... Hint: Sketch, draft, prototype.
15h00 - Share and exchange... Hint: Present your idea/prototype to others and listen to their comments
16h00 - Design and model...
20h00 - Dinner time
21h00 - Evaluate and plan... Hint: Is anything missing or delayed in your project?
22h00 - Keep working or go for a pint!

4th November:

9h30 - Reception and briefing of the day
10h00 - Create! Hint: Finalize the project/prototype final version.
13h00 - Lunch
14h00 - Introduce! Hint: Market your project to others.
15h00 - Submission of prototype documentation (i.e. text, photo, video) in the Global Sustainability Jam platform
16h00 - Closing of Belfast Sustainability Jam

Where, when and how can I Jam? [UPDATED]

The Belfast Sustainability Jam will take place between 2 and 4 of November 2012, at:

PLACE - Architecture and Built Environment Centre
40 Fountain Street, Belfast
Antrim BT1 5EE
Northern Ireland
United Kingdom

Ver mapa maior

Registrations are open at: http://belfastsj.eventbrite.co.uk/.

Why should I want to be a Jammer?

As a participant in the Global Sustainability Jam, you will work through a whole development process in one weekend. You won't just be talking about design or sustainability, you will be working with others on developing concrete ideas and designs which could become real.
  • Whether you are experienced or completely new to the field, you will learn more about a design-based approach to problems, and about sustainability.
  • You will pick up a load of new ideas and work practices.
  • You will meet a lot of cool people at all levels of experience.
  • Your work and ideas will be reviewed by your peers, and presented to the world, where they can be seen by potential customers or employers, or by people who could make them real.
  • You will create something that might make a real difference.
  • You might get rich and famous.
  • You will certainly have a blast.

Who can be a Jammer?

On November 2, 2012, people interested in a design-based approach to creativity will meet at locations all over the globe.

Everyone is welcome - service designers, object designers, sustainability experts, professors, business people, teachers, hackers, makers, artists, students, mums and grandpas - you will form teams and work together for 48 hours to create brand-new real-world ideas which can make that little difference.

Or perhaps a big difference - it's up to you.

Through the weekend, you'll be linked to other jammers at other sites all over the globe, working in different ways on different answers to the same challenge, sharing problems, advice, and insights. And on Sunday at 3pm, you will publish your results to the world.

What's a Jam?

From www.globalsustainabilityjam.org.

segunda-feira, 24 de setembro de 2012

Preparations have started!

Preparations have started for the Belfast Sustainability Jam! This is the first time a Global Jam event happens in Northern Ireland, so don't miss the opportunity to participate in this world wide event!
In the coming days we will post more information about it, but for now you can check http://www.globalsustainabilityjam.org/.